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Medieval Romance Monday – featuring A Knight’s Reward by Catherine Kean

Medieval romance novel cover for A Knight's Reward by Catherine KeanFor this week’s Medieval Romance Monday we are featuring A Knight’s Reward by award winning author Catherine Kean.

A Knight’s Vengeance is the second book in Catherine’s A Knight’s Series.

You can read a sample excerpt of A Knight’s Reward right here on Medieval Romances.

Happy Reading!

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Medieval Romance Monday – The Lady and the Falconer

A medieval romance book. The Lady and the Falconer by Laurel O'DonnellOur featured medieval romance novel for this week’s Medieval Romance Monday is The Lady and the Falconer by medieval romance author Laurel O’Donnell.

A reader on Amazon had this to say about the book:

“I really enjoyed this exciting medieval love story. Solace and Logan, what a pair of mixed up, brave confused young adults, living in the harsh medieval world, where relatives were vengeful and self-serving, but friends were loyal. I also loved the very light mystical thread throughout the story with the Falcon. In this medieval period some writers have gone for `shock value’ with graphic details on warfare, sex, misery and the cruelty, however I believe Laurel O’Donnell got the balance right, because as I was reading this novel I was `booing’ the bad ones and `cheering’ on the goodies. Justice is always a winner to me. I would reread this book again.”

This reader really nailed the book perfectly.  If it sounds ilke a book you would also enjoy, you can read more about The Lady and the Falconer here.


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Medieval Romance Monday – featuring A Knight’s Vengeance by Catherine Kean

Romance novel cover for A Knight's Vengeance by Catherine Kean

For this week’s Medieval Romance Monday we are featuring A Knight’s Vengeance by award winning author Catherine Kean.

A Knight’s Vengeance is the first book in Catherine’s A Knight’s Series.

You can read a sample excerpt of A Knight’s Vengeance right here on Medieval Romances.

Happy Reading!

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