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Starring The Lady and the Falconer by Laurel O’Donnell

Medieval Romances presents Medieval Romance Trailer Tuesday! Featuring promotional video trailers for medieval romance novels. This week’s featured video is for the medieval romance novel The Lady and the Falconer by Laurel O’Donnell.


” I really enjoyed this exciting medieval love story. Solace and Logan, what a pair of mixed up, brave confused young adults, living in the harsh medieval world, where relatives were vengeful and self-serving, but friends were loyal. I also loved the very light mystical thread throughout the story with the Falcon. In this medieval period some writers have gone for `shock value’ with graphic details on warfare, sex, misery and the cruelty, however I believe Laurel O’Donnell got the balance right, because as I was reading this novel I was `booing’ the bad ones and `cheering’ on the goodies. Justice is always a winner to me. I would reread this book again.”
-Amazon Review

You can read a sample preview of The Lady and the Falconer here on Medieval Romances.


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Medieval Romance Monday – The Faithful Heart by Merry Farmer

Medieval romance novel The Faithful Heart by Merry Farmer

For this week’s Medieval Romance Monday, we are featuring The Faithful Heart by Merry Farmer.  This is Book Two in The Noble Hearts series.

Here is what author Merry Farmer tells us about this medieval romance:

The Faithful Heart was a natural progression from The Loyal Heart.  It became obvious to me right away that I had something special in the characters of Jack Tanner, Madeline Matlock, and the relationship between them.  Writing their bits of The Loyal Heart was so much fun that I knew they deserved an entire story all to themselves.  I’ve also always had a special place in my heart for the lives of ordinary people in the Middle Ages.  Jack starts out his life as a peasant before fate takes him in a radically different direction.  I always knew he was capable of greatness, but I knew that the people he would find himself surrounded by would give him a hard time.

It reminds me, in a way, of growing up without money in a town full of rich people.  I was lucky enough to go to private school on a sort of scholarship, but I felt the sting of being seen as inferior by my classmates.  It filled me with the urge to prove myself, but not in a good way.  Mostly it taught me that people can be cruel for the stupidest reasons of class and money.

I drew on those experiences of inequality to tell Jack and Madeline’s story.  Both Jack and Madeline have heaps of baggage to overcome before they can be together.  In a way this is a coming of age story, especially for Jack.  He has to make a few sacrifices that will drive my readers crazy on his road to true nobility.

I’m currently working on the third book in the trilogy, The Courageous Heart, which tells the story of Ethan and Joanna as Ethan deals with the consequences of his actions in The Faithful Heart.  With a little bit of luck it should be out before the end of the year.”

You can read an excerpt from this exciting medieval romance novel and see where you can purchase it here: The Faithful Heart by Merry Farmer

The Faithful Heart is Book Two in The Noble Hearts series.  We featured the first book in this exciting medieval romance series, The Loyal Heart, in an earlier Medieval Romance Monday feature, which you can read here: Medieval Romance Monday – The Loyal Heart by Merry Farmer



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Medieval Romance Monday – The Loyal Heart by Merry Farmer

Medieval romance novel The Loyal Heart by Merry FarmerFor this week’s Medieval Romance Monday, we are featuring The Loyal Heart by Merry Farmer.

Here is what author Merry Farmer tells us about this medieval romance:

“I began writing The Loyal Heart at one of my lowest points in recent years. I had just been through a bad break-up and was feeling sad, alone, and betrayed. Writing has always been a solace for me, but at that point it was the furthest thing from my mind. I also got into a debate about the Robin Hood legend with a friend at about that same time. As someone who majored in History, the story of Robin Hood has always irritated me because it presents King Richard, Prince John, and the situation in England during the Crusades in such a false light. That’s not the way it actually happened. I was trying to tell this to my friend and wasn’t sure if I was getting anywhere.

Then, in the middle of all that heartbreak and historical indignation, a truly miraculous thing happened to me. I’d just found out that the guy who I’d broken up with six months before had just gotten engaged to a girl he started dating three weeks after we broke up. I was miserable. But in the midst of my misery a question popped into my head. “Would you be happy if you had the perfect man in your life but were never able to write another word ever again?” Before the question finished asking itself I knew the answer. “No! I would rather write.” Then the voice in my mind said, “Then be a Writer and WRITE.”

I started The Loyal Heart that day. I took my disappointment over a love that I thought would be wonderful and combined that with the love that I was really looking for in my life and brought it to life with the character of Aubrey. (Although Aubrey isn’t me at all. She would kick my butt!) Then I drew on the real history of England in the time of King Richard’s crusade to give the story shape. What I hope I’ve come up with is an exciting tale of love, betrayal, and finding what you were looking for in the least likely of places set against an era that people only think they know.”

You can read an excerpt from this exciting medieval romance novel and see where you can purchase it here: The Loyal Heart by Merry Farmer

The Loyal Heart is Book One in The Noble Hearts series.  We will be featuring the second book in this exciting medieval romance series, The Faithful Heart, in our next Medieval Romance Monday feature, so please come back to read more about it.  If you just can’t wait that long, you can head right here: The Faithful Heart by Merry Farmer.


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